Sunday, December 28, 2008

Is tomorrow on?

I've got a little bit of brain power left after my family celebrated our Christmas this weekend and I'm thinking that chatting with friends and making things might be a good use of it. Is anyone willing to host? I can if we need to, but hosting at my place is complicated.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, y'all!

Merry Christmas, all you crafty women. Hope you enjoy a peaceful, relaxing day.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Bead Container

I was at Michaels today. It seems I visit there biweekly at the least these crafty days. Anyways, Jen's uber-awesome bead holder that inspired a round of blatant covetousness is only $10. So grab yourself a coupon and get it at $5 and then we can all be matchy-match the next time we do a bead night!

Maybe I'll have time to load mine up tonight while my kids are playing with the Hoseas...

Mmmm... cashmere

...but at $14 USD / 25g, I don't think I'll be knitting a sweater with it.

Cashmere yarn

Friday, December 19, 2008

Guessing no craftipoos 'til the new year?

I'm assuming there will be no craft night 'til Jan 5 - or do y'all want to meet the week before?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Little Sarah...

Well looky, looky here. Our lil' Sarah has herself a spot of fame!

Sarah's fame!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

...and speaking of "I want to make..."

I was perusing my bookmarks, and came across these crafty things I at one time felt it necessary to save. Thought I'd share.

Unpainted nesting dolls - my fave is the nesting house & dolls, but I also love the eggs & the regular dolls. I know April has a set of unpainted nesting dolls already ... maybe this would make a fun same-craft night in the springtime? More here.

I love these bendy fairies. No idea why I haven't made any yet, they're not exactly difficult, and I have everything to do it with...

I got as far as collecting a schwack of plastic bottle caps in varying sizes, and buying wool felt in a variety of colours ... but alas, so far, no bottlecap pincushions.

It says "for lazy color addicts" ... sound perfect for me!

Yes, I have had a drop spindle for about 2 years, but do you think I've spun anything?

I finally made a couple of simple books but would like to do much more of this.

There are dozens more would-be projects bookmarked, but these are the ones I would like to put on my "to do" list for '09. How 'bout you?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The woven double-knit rug

Here's the woven, double knit rug that I was talking about:

I wanna make this

As these F*... wait - lovely - socks continue at about an inch a year (and they're for Christmas?), I am very much longing for knitting in bulky weight wool. Also, I'm quite fond of the home accessories rather than clothing items ... the thought of the nice warm double-thick rug, the cozy cushion covers, and yes, the dreaded (because it would take too long) blanket - is just calling to me.

Next time I want to order/buy sock wool, for goodness sake, just slap me.

Purdy shiny things

Just thought I'd comment on the beading night. Such beautiful things y'all made! And I thought it was a pretty productive evening ... everyone made quite a bit.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Ok, so it is now Sunday evening and I have nothing for beading. I'd like to do those crochet type bracelets that Maya made....what do I need? Anyone, anyone? I'll go shopping tomorrow at lunch break, but if anyone has excess I can buy that'd be swell.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sarah - your cast-on...

Sarah, what was that cast-on called, that you used on those mittens you were knitting at the last craft night that was at Wanda's?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baby Alex

Just thought I'd post here briefly.

The visitations for little baby Alex were today - I'm sure Rick & Lise must be absolutely drained - and he is buried with a private graveside service tomorrow morning.

Just thought you might want to see his obit, and condolence messages, etc, which are here:

Alex's obit

Things in the funeral world are different from what I've known, with such an online presence. Anyways. Thinking Rick & Lise are well supported.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Anyone up for hosting on Monday?

Hi guys.

I can host if need be, but am wondering if anyone else is up for hosting instead. We'll be decorating the tree after school/ through to the evening, so it'll be mayhem here. The tree's in the dining room, also, which means so are dozens of boxes & stuff. Also, I've been pretty off & on mood-wise, thus, the option to bow out would be nice.

LMK if anyone can. I know Wanda's looking forward to having some away from her house to do her family's gift crafting.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Posty Post Post

Hi Ladies,

This is a rather pointless post, posted for the sake of wanting there to be something new on here since the last 6 days.

How is all the Christmas crafting going? I still have yet to do any Christmas preparations. ha. Might actually get the nativity scene out today...that would be a start! Maybe it would remind me that it is practically December and it is time to get rolling.

Anywhooo...looking forward to Monday.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas Fun!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hey - forgot about the tshirts!

I forgot on Monday night - I got some tshirts from freecycle, for the baby hats. I never seem to make the time to get over to 11th Street to sew (still have diapers, pads, etc to make for my SIL), so wondering if one of you would like to take these tshirts to make the newborn hats for charity. LMK if you do.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

That reminds me ... favorite Christmas traditions

Since we were talking a bit about Christmas traditions last night, and Sarah's link to a simplifying website ... all made me think of what things I enjoy most about Christmas, and wonder about you guys. And if you like, the ones you don't like (and maybe think about doing away with them??)

For me:
-decorating the tree - this is a major highlight - I know where every ornament came from, and many are from friends - so I think of that person every time I put their ornament on the tree.

-seeing the kids' excitement over Christmas - any of it - the decorating, the baking (when we do it), the giftmaking, gift planning, etc., and of course the gift opening.

-giving, especially when I managed to find/make something just right.

-and I love the post-Christmas down time. When I worked, I always had time off around Christmas (university closure), and Craig has since booked his major vacation time around Christmas. So, it's our family & friend time.

-shortbread. If there really is a god, he probably invented shortbread.

What I don't like:
-actually, I don't really like Christmas dinner. It's a formality that I could happily do away with. Even when I don't make it. Addendum: don't get me wrong ... I like turkey dinner - just on Christmas, I'd be just as happy to keep sitting around playing & order a pizza or something.

-packing stuff back up afterward - the tree, decorations, etc

-buying or making those few gifts that aren't "inspired" - just obligatory

Simple Christmas

Here's a link to that collection of 'how to simplify Christmas' page that I was mentioning last night. There are also some neat ideas for traditions, April.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Beading December 8 at Wanda's

Looks like December 8 is the date of choice for the beading night.

So ... is there any organizing that needs to be done? I'm assuming everyone brings their own consumable supplies, and we can share the tools amongst ourselves.

I have extras of some things that you could buy from me if you need them, instead of at the store, as I've bought some things in bulk, cheaper than retail. Those would be things like: tiger tail wire, crimping beads, possibly lobster claws, memory wire (if my new batch arrives in time). I could probably spare some glass beads as well - those I didn't buy in any special way, but they do come in a pretty large quantity at once.

Are we just getting together to do stuff, or are we striving to bring something & show the rest how to do it (similar to the cards)? I prefer the former, but would do the latter.

Stupid question...

There are five of us, right? Tonight I need to bring one sample card and enough for four more, right?

Actually, that was two stupid questions.

I'm super excited, though. Like a Japanese schoolgirl. Squeee!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Plague will soon be defeated

Ha ha. My cold blossomed into both a sinus infection & bronchitis. So, no wonder I felt crappy.

However. Have abx, will be all better for Monday night craftipoos!

Monday, November 10, 2008

@*(#&%*#$ felted clogs

This hasn't anything to do with Monday night crafts, but it does have to do with crafts, so here I am, posting.

Grrr. I made a pair of cursed felted clogs, in theory for Craig's dad for Christmas, and the @#&%$( things won't felt down small enough. Not only that, they're just too big around everywhere - too high in the instep, etc. - so I can't just pick someone with bigger feet. This is four hot/cold cycles on heavy duty agitation. My last attempt to salvage them will be to pour a kettle of boiling water into the hot cycle, for a little more "oomph".

But if that does not work, I wasted a bunch of time, but way more importantly, some of my favorite hand-dyed yarn. WAH!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Calling all crafters!

Hello all, I am looking forward to a productive Monday of crafting. Unfortunately due to Remembrance Day falling on Tuesday, I will need to end the night by 9:00 so that I can clean the MTS store. Sorry all, but I am looking forward to getting some crafting and visiting in. So feel free to show up by 7:00.

Doubtful I'll be at craftipoos on Monday

I'm pretty sick with the plague. Well, a cold. But it feels like the plague.

So - if you all want to decide on anything re: upcoming craft nights, etc., just go ahead & let me know afterward.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Card Supplies

I was talking to MamaOwl about card supplies yesterday. There are a bunch of Michaels coupons floating about in flyers these days. I was able to purchase a value pack of 20 4 x 5.5" cards in a range of natural colours for $5 using a 40% coupon. On Sat. I'm going again to buy another set a little cheaper using a 50% off coupon. They're also having a sale this weekend where you can get 3 pieces of patterned paper for $1.

I looked at envelopes, too. I have had problems finding envelopes to fit cards made from half a sheet of 8.5 x 11" in the past, but it looks like they might have some there. Tias was getting antsy so I'm not certain...

Which is all to say, I'm going to supply envelopes with my card sets, but we haven't talked about whether everyone has to. I'm ok with just buying my own if I have to.

Re: beading - I would love to do it pre-Christmas.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Beading supplies

Started a list off to the side so we can see what supplies people have in sufficient quantity to share. Then we'll know what we still need to buy individually.

I'll have to look up the cost but have written down those which I have excess of. The crimping beads aren't here yet, ditto memory wire (well, I have some, but not a lot).

Poll results

Looks like beading after xmas cards, and doing group work as inspiration hits. Results were: 3 for beading, 1 for spa/bath, 1 "other" (which was either of those, actually); and for frequency, results were: 2 monthly & 3 "as inspiration hits".

Do people want/need to have beading before xmas, for gift-making? Assuming yes on this - will set up wee poll to pick the date.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thinking Christmas

What are you guys thinking re: Christmas crafting? As a group, that is.

I'm wondering, as I look at the 2 polls - are we hoping to fit in more than one craft (aside from cards) as a group, because of Christmas gift-giving? Interest has been expressed in both beading & spa/bath item-making, and I believe both are with the intention of making Christmas gifts.

Might we want to squeeze in both before Christmas? And then revert to either monthly or "as inspiration hits" group projects?

I can go any way, myself. Beading especially - I'm good to go solo, but it'd be fun to do as a group. Spa/bath items - I can go either way as well. If we do it as a group, then I'll probably make stuff for gifts, or otherwise, I probably won't this year. The spa/bath items, if we decide to do it, might require an order to be made for supplies (I'm thinking the base ingredients if doing creams, lotions, soaps, and also glass jars).

So - what are y'all thinking?

Mama To Mama

I came across a really powerful yet simple idea. It's called Mama to Mama and the idea behind it is so beautiful. Mothers who craft changing the world with their handiwork.

“The simple act of creating something with intention and heart - for someone in need, can have a beautiful effect on the lives of others. We can, indeed, do something to create a more just and peaceful world…all with the simple, mindful and crafty work of our hands.”

Their first project is to sew caps for Haitian newborns from Tshirts you no longer need. Simple, no? I've shied away from sewing with jersey in the last few years, but this seems to be the ideal project to motivate me. I've downloaded the PDF and the whole thing seems so simple.

I'm offering to be the Hat Person for our group. If you make them, I'll pay for postage. They'd like to see how many they can gather by Dec 10th. So I'd hope to mail them off by Nov. 25th.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Group craft poll

Well - just to be difficult, I voted "other" on the poll where we're figuring what group craft to do after the Christmas cards.

It's not really true. I was tied between the spa/bath stuff and the beading - but this type of poll only allows one answer per person. Soooo... my "other" actually means I'd prefer one of those two.

Taking the bull by the horns: Christmas cards swap

I think we've tossed it around enough - I'm gonna jump in there & set some terms for our swap. If anyone would like changes, feel welcome to post & we'll alter it. Just thought we should get the show on the road so we can get supplies etc.

November 17


April, Cheryl, Jen, Sarah, Wanda

Format of Swap:

**NOTE changes - re: cardstock & format**

-each of us brings three completed cards, and for each card, 4 sets of supplies to make it, INcluding card stock for the actual card body

-have your sample card along with the cardmaking supplies for that card style in a ziploc bag or some sort of container, so that we can just grab a "pack" and make our card, then pass the whole works along to the next guy

-don't feel obliged to cut out every shape & embellishment - people can always put their own spin on it by having a little more freedom in this regard. So - if there's a Christmas tree, for instance, no need to bring four cut-out trees - bring the paper required for each person to cut one, but leave it to the cardmaker to decide the shape & size, etc

-each of us who has them should bring basic scrapbooking/cardmaking supplies: cutter, scissors, glue, sketch book etc. - if you don't have them, no worries, we will share nicely. (o:

-anyone having special needs for their card setup should post here so the group knows (e.g., all embellishments are blue & white, so card stock should be coordinating; or card is trifolding instead of one fold, so bring a sheet of cardstock to make the card at the group, etc)

-we might not get 12 cards completed on the craft night. Having the embellishments handy should mean we can go home & finish up what we didn't get done - perhaps sketch the card on your notebook before leaving if you think you might not remember what it's like

Questions? Post here!

Location for upcoming craft nights

Hi y'all.

Should we just alternate between my place & Wanda's as a default position, then change venue when we need to for some reason, or when someone else wants to host? I think that might be easier than consulting all the time.

Welcome, Monday night crafters!

Thought I'd put up this blog so we have a spot to figure things out. MUCH easier than the back-and-forth emailing when we're trying to plan something. (o: