Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thinking Christmas

What are you guys thinking re: Christmas crafting? As a group, that is.

I'm wondering, as I look at the 2 polls - are we hoping to fit in more than one craft (aside from cards) as a group, because of Christmas gift-giving? Interest has been expressed in both beading & spa/bath item-making, and I believe both are with the intention of making Christmas gifts.

Might we want to squeeze in both before Christmas? And then revert to either monthly or "as inspiration hits" group projects?

I can go any way, myself. Beading especially - I'm good to go solo, but it'd be fun to do as a group. Spa/bath items - I can go either way as well. If we do it as a group, then I'll probably make stuff for gifts, or otherwise, I probably won't this year. The spa/bath items, if we decide to do it, might require an order to be made for supplies (I'm thinking the base ingredients if doing creams, lotions, soaps, and also glass jars).

So - what are y'all thinking?


Sarah said...

Ummmm...I think two craft nights might be too many in terms of the drive to get things done for Christmas. I am thinking people (including me, since I am people, too) might not be getting enough done if we theme three nights.

Wee Willie Wonka said...

I would prefer one night of theme crafts. I need some nights away from home to finishing my kids Christmas knitting.