Monday, November 10, 2008

@*(#&%*#$ felted clogs

This hasn't anything to do with Monday night crafts, but it does have to do with crafts, so here I am, posting.

Grrr. I made a pair of cursed felted clogs, in theory for Craig's dad for Christmas, and the @#&%$( things won't felt down small enough. Not only that, they're just too big around everywhere - too high in the instep, etc. - so I can't just pick someone with bigger feet. This is four hot/cold cycles on heavy duty agitation. My last attempt to salvage them will be to pour a kettle of boiling water into the hot cycle, for a little more "oomph".

But if that does not work, I wasted a bunch of time, but way more importantly, some of my favorite hand-dyed yarn. WAH!!!


Wee Willie Wonka said...

That sucks, isn't that the second pair of slippers you have tried to make him? He better appreciate his gift.

April said...

awww.... :-(

Cheryl Fines said...

Yes it is. The first is on my feet right now (felted too much, fits me but not him).


Will. Try. Again.

Sarah said...

Have you tried throwing a pair of old jeans or clean running shoes into the washer for maximum friction?

That totally sucks. When I made my felted clogs for Gramma the pattern worked so well that I want to make some for my poor cold feet.

Cheryl Fines said...

I didn't do the jeans thing, though I don't know why - I usually do. However, they've been through five hot/cold cycles, the last of which was with a kettle full of boiling water added, plus a dryer run. They are as felted as they can possibly be.

Wanda suggested that I could cut them, trim them, and re-sew. That probably will work, actually, rather than pitching them in the garbage.