Thursday, November 6, 2008

Poll results

Looks like beading after xmas cards, and doing group work as inspiration hits. Results were: 3 for beading, 1 for spa/bath, 1 "other" (which was either of those, actually); and for frequency, results were: 2 monthly & 3 "as inspiration hits".

Do people want/need to have beading before xmas, for gift-making? Assuming yes on this - will set up wee poll to pick the date.


Cheryl Fines said...

PS - this time, set up to allow multiple answers, in case it's needed.

Cheryl Fines said...

Oh - and PPS - if anyone doesn't want to do beading, that's fine, just let us know. We'll need to figure out details ... maybe could everyone post what they have to bring? That is, what they have in sufficient quantity to share? Rather than everyone going out & buying individual supplies, if someone has extra, we could just buy from her instead.

Unknown said...

I have tools, jump rings, clasps, pins, some memory wire, some 26 gauge wire, a whole bunch of beads, crimp beads, waxed twine, nylon string....That is all I can think of off the top of my head.

April said...

What exactly does "beading" involve? :-)

Cheryl Fines said...

Beading's easy, April.

Depending on what you're making, of course, some things would be harder than others. But basic beading, like memory wire jewelery & necklaces/bracelets with a lobster claw closure, etc - all of that is easy enough for Emily to do.