Sunday, December 28, 2008

Is tomorrow on?

I've got a little bit of brain power left after my family celebrated our Christmas this weekend and I'm thinking that chatting with friends and making things might be a good use of it. Is anyone willing to host? I can if we need to, but hosting at my place is complicated.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, y'all!

Merry Christmas, all you crafty women. Hope you enjoy a peaceful, relaxing day.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Bead Container

I was at Michaels today. It seems I visit there biweekly at the least these crafty days. Anyways, Jen's uber-awesome bead holder that inspired a round of blatant covetousness is only $10. So grab yourself a coupon and get it at $5 and then we can all be matchy-match the next time we do a bead night!

Maybe I'll have time to load mine up tonight while my kids are playing with the Hoseas...

Mmmm... cashmere

...but at $14 USD / 25g, I don't think I'll be knitting a sweater with it.

Cashmere yarn

Friday, December 19, 2008

Guessing no craftipoos 'til the new year?

I'm assuming there will be no craft night 'til Jan 5 - or do y'all want to meet the week before?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Little Sarah...

Well looky, looky here. Our lil' Sarah has herself a spot of fame!

Sarah's fame!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

...and speaking of "I want to make..."

I was perusing my bookmarks, and came across these crafty things I at one time felt it necessary to save. Thought I'd share.

Unpainted nesting dolls - my fave is the nesting house & dolls, but I also love the eggs & the regular dolls. I know April has a set of unpainted nesting dolls already ... maybe this would make a fun same-craft night in the springtime? More here.

I love these bendy fairies. No idea why I haven't made any yet, they're not exactly difficult, and I have everything to do it with...

I got as far as collecting a schwack of plastic bottle caps in varying sizes, and buying wool felt in a variety of colours ... but alas, so far, no bottlecap pincushions.

It says "for lazy color addicts" ... sound perfect for me!

Yes, I have had a drop spindle for about 2 years, but do you think I've spun anything?

I finally made a couple of simple books but would like to do much more of this.

There are dozens more would-be projects bookmarked, but these are the ones I would like to put on my "to do" list for '09. How 'bout you?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The woven double-knit rug

Here's the woven, double knit rug that I was talking about:

I wanna make this

As these F*... wait - lovely - socks continue at about an inch a year (and they're for Christmas?), I am very much longing for knitting in bulky weight wool. Also, I'm quite fond of the home accessories rather than clothing items ... the thought of the nice warm double-thick rug, the cozy cushion covers, and yes, the dreaded (because it would take too long) blanket - is just calling to me.

Next time I want to order/buy sock wool, for goodness sake, just slap me.

Purdy shiny things

Just thought I'd comment on the beading night. Such beautiful things y'all made! And I thought it was a pretty productive evening ... everyone made quite a bit.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Ok, so it is now Sunday evening and I have nothing for beading. I'd like to do those crochet type bracelets that Maya made....what do I need? Anyone, anyone? I'll go shopping tomorrow at lunch break, but if anyone has excess I can buy that'd be swell.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sarah - your cast-on...

Sarah, what was that cast-on called, that you used on those mittens you were knitting at the last craft night that was at Wanda's?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baby Alex

Just thought I'd post here briefly.

The visitations for little baby Alex were today - I'm sure Rick & Lise must be absolutely drained - and he is buried with a private graveside service tomorrow morning.

Just thought you might want to see his obit, and condolence messages, etc, which are here:

Alex's obit

Things in the funeral world are different from what I've known, with such an online presence. Anyways. Thinking Rick & Lise are well supported.