Friday, November 7, 2008

Card Supplies

I was talking to MamaOwl about card supplies yesterday. There are a bunch of Michaels coupons floating about in flyers these days. I was able to purchase a value pack of 20 4 x 5.5" cards in a range of natural colours for $5 using a 40% coupon. On Sat. I'm going again to buy another set a little cheaper using a 50% off coupon. They're also having a sale this weekend where you can get 3 pieces of patterned paper for $1.

I looked at envelopes, too. I have had problems finding envelopes to fit cards made from half a sheet of 8.5 x 11" in the past, but it looks like they might have some there. Tias was getting antsy so I'm not certain...

Which is all to say, I'm going to supply envelopes with my card sets, but we haven't talked about whether everyone has to. I'm ok with just buying my own if I have to.

Re: beading - I would love to do it pre-Christmas.

1 comment:

Cheryl Fines said...

I hadn't thought of including envelopes, but if that's what the group wants, will do. (not much help here)