Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mama To Mama

I came across a really powerful yet simple idea. It's called Mama to Mama and the idea behind it is so beautiful. Mothers who craft changing the world with their handiwork.

“The simple act of creating something with intention and heart - for someone in need, can have a beautiful effect on the lives of others. We can, indeed, do something to create a more just and peaceful world…all with the simple, mindful and crafty work of our hands.”

Their first project is to sew caps for Haitian newborns from Tshirts you no longer need. Simple, no? I've shied away from sewing with jersey in the last few years, but this seems to be the ideal project to motivate me. I've downloaded the PDF and the whole thing seems so simple.

I'm offering to be the Hat Person for our group. If you make them, I'll pay for postage. They'd like to see how many they can gather by Dec 10th. So I'd hope to mail them off by Nov. 25th.


Cheryl Fines said...


I posted on freecycle for tshirts, so if I get any, I'll post back here to see who wants 'em.

Wee Willie Wonka said...

Thank you Cheryl. I was reading about this and wanted to make some.